Can I wear this more than 30 times? If not, think again....
A thoughtful article by The Guardian, revealing how to intelligently shop online, with thought and consideration to the cost to the environment and your hip pocket. And its not what you think.
Online shop returns are part of the complexities of online shopping. For each return it requires more truck/ deliveries to be made. And if we as a community continue to shop fashion-based items which are disposable and short-lived, or poorly purchased in the first place, that makes for a massive impact on the environment.
Beautiful Robes tries exceptionally hard to minimise returns (getting only about 1% returns per annum) by offering great descriptions, timeless product lines, exceptional quality and beautifully clear photography, but we look to how we can continuously improve our business. We've decided to create Interactive Sizing/ Shopping tools and use video clips to assist with a even better shopping experience, helping mitigate against the less obvious environmental impacts.
When we are looking at that new sweater, think, as The Guardian suggests, can I wear this more than 30 times? If not, ask yourself, have I really found the best product for me?